Save Rivers Save Nation


Foundation started this abhiyan because in history there were so many crises of water and still it is going on and in future it will again increase. Countries, States, regions, Districts, villages are fighting over water .Now here the question arises as to who will take initiative to settle these disputes. Public representative like politicians make its issue for their profit. No one finds the exact technical solution on it. Hence foundation launchs an Abhiyan to find the correct solution for protecting the benefits and resolving the disputes over water through local people and members of foundation. Through this abhiyan we have conducted many seminars and lectures at various places.

The Pani aur desh bachav abhiyan( Save Water – Save Nation Mission) inaugurated by Dr. D.G.Deshkar, Mr. Dilip Yardi, Mr. B.Mhaske, Eco-Needs Social Cell President Mr. Rohit Thorat. Miss. Pooja Katneshwarkar and Adv. Attadeep Agale addressing the program.


NCC Cmap Aurangabad :

Under Pani Aur Desh Bachvo Abhiyan Foundation President making awarness with NCC camp youths in photo Military officers and NCC students. Osmanabad programe : In osmananbad district foundation conducted the pogramme  under this abhiyan foundation president Prof Agale P.K., Principal of Murrum colllege and participants 


Osmanabad programe :

In osmananbad district foundation conducted the pogramme  under this abhiyan foundation president Prof Agale P.K.,Principal of Murrum colllege and participants.

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Eco-Needs Foundation (ENF) is an organization of young people striving for environmental conservation and ECO-REVOLUTION.

It is a revolution entailing all round ecological development. which includes economic, social, educational, cultural, health, technological development and conservation of water and other natural resources, and above all the holistic development of the ecology.

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